Contribute to Microbiome Research

Become a Donor for ProDigest: Contribute to Groundbreaking Gut Health Research

At ProDigest, we are at the forefront of gastrointestinal research, conducting state-of-the-art simulations to help our clients better understand the complexities of the human microbiome in response to their food, feed or pharmaceutical products. To ensure our research is as accurate and impactful as possible, we rely on stool (or other body fluid) donations from individuals like you.

Why Your Donation Matters

The human microbiome plays a critical role in digestion, immunity, and overall health, including metabolism, mental health, and even the susceptibility to certain diseases. By becoming a donor, you actively contribute to advancing microbiome research, helping us investigate the intricate relationships between gut bacteria and health.
Your stool donation enables us to simulate the colonic microbiome in our gut models, allowing us to study how the microbiome responds to and metabolizes various products.
In doing so, your contribution directly supports groundbreaking research that could lead to new treatments, improved nutrition strategies, and better gut health.

Who Can Become a Donor?

We recruit donors based on specific client requests to study the effects of their products on targeted microbiome groups. This enables us to tailor our research to focus on particular populations, providing valuable insights into how their microbiome reacts to specific products.
Most calls imply stool donations and our work spans across health and disease at all life stages!

As such, we welcome donations from individuals:

  • with diverse health backgrounds — healthy and diseased individuals. Examples of diseased conditions are obesity, IBD, IBS, diabetes, depression, colorectal cancer, functional constipation, neurodegenerative disorders, allergies, chronic kidney disease (CKD), celiac disease, etc.
  • from various demographics—adults, infants, pregnant women, the elderly, etc.
  • with specific dietary habits — vegetarian, vegan, FODMAP, Western diet, and more.

What’s Involved in Donating?

Donating is simple and minimally invasive. We ensure a safe, discreet process, and your privacy is always protected. You will receive guidance throughout, making your contribution seamless.

Fecal donation process

Ready to Help?

Together, we can advance groundbreaking research in microbiome health!

For more information or to sign up as a donor, contact us at

Thank you for considering a donation to ProDigest!

Current calls for donation:

Ulcerative colitis
Functional constipation
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and dialysis
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Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis
Functional constipation
Functional constipation
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and dialysis
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and dialysis
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